Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Feeling overwhelmed

For me, one of the most difficult troubles I have in my day-to-day is feeling overwhelmed. It makes me not want to do anything; it makes me want to lie down, hide, lose myself in a book or TV or a film or the internet.

There are some little things I have tried to keep myself from feeling overwhelmed: to do lists, a daily schedule, starting the day with a treat like tea or a hot shower. They often help. But as I wrote yesterday, I'm thinking now that tricks like these, by their nature, are never going to be complete solutions.

I also have some strategies for addressing the problem of overwhelm in a deeper way. I am trying to let go of tasks that are on my list because I feel that I should do them, rather than because I need to do them or want to do them. I am trying to be more patient, to accept that progress takes time, and to expect less from myself each day. I am trying to focus on my top priorities, and to accept that there's only so much I can work on, or learn, or improve in myself at any one time. And I am trying to build more time into each day for resting, for quiet, and for being kind to myself.

Everything is helping, at least some of the time - the little tricks, the introspection, the attempt to live my life more slowly and in a more considered way. And yet, I still have so many difficult mornings, when getting up and starting my day seems so, so hard. When I go back to sleep even though I've slept more than enough, just because it's cozy in bed, and safe, and the idea of starting my day feels too big to deal with. So what now?

Now I think that, perhaps, this overwhelm is just a part of going through big changes, like the fear, insecurity, and vulnerability that are hanging around too. Now I think that, perhaps, sometimes, there is no solution, except to keep moving forward, and to have faith that things will get better. So that is what I am going to do. I am going to accept that I feel overwhelmed sometimes. I'm deciding that it's okay. I am going to be kind to myself, and let myself stay in bed each morning for another hour or two if that's what it takes, and not feel bad about it. And most importantly, I'm going to keep moving toward my dreams, one little step at a time, with faith that things will keep getting better, and that everything will be okay.

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